Thursday, January 21, 2010

Reunion's group picture

One of the challenges of taking a group picture, specially if you're not the only one taking the picture, is to see to it that the group is properly lit and all faces are seen, in this particular group pic, I failed to do that. I have cropped the group picture into 3 so taht the images are bigger and can be seen better in this blog.

All faces are properly lit
but VME is partially covered
by Josie, who in turn had her eyes closed.

Rowena in this crop is partially
covered by Cely, the rest are ok.

This is a disaster because EJA was fully covered,
if not for other pics, one wouldn't know who that
guy is.

Verdict: Reshoot!

The angle of Cita's camera who is in the middle would hopefully yield a better picture.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Casa Davis

Last Saturday, January 16, 2010, I drove to Silang, Cavite for a much awaited reunion of past and present employees of Zilog Philippines. The reunion's venue is Casa Davis at Ponderosa Leisure Farms, the residence of Norma and Dave Davis. It was scheduled for lunch time, but because it was my first time to go the place I decided to be early. I was the first to arrive so I had the chance to take a few pictures of Casa Davis.

Casa Davis as seen from across the street.

Casa Davis garden side

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Street life

Manual Film Development
Even in this digital age, images captured by analog means still have their own appeal, specially the Black and White film. I am attracted to B&W images and so I am venturing into this old school photography as an alternative hobby. I recently attended a workshop on B&W film developing and I am posting here 2 frames from one of the films that I developed during the workshop. So, even if the source is film, it is being posted here as a digital image because the negative was digitally scanned.

It was my first developed film so there were so many scratches, probably during the washing or drying stages. Of course, I hope to improve on my next development job.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Lights

I have been searching for a good Christmas light display to photograph and post on this blog and on our way to the province during the holiday break, we passed by Moncada, Tarlac. This town offered two photo opportunities, one was the town's interpretation of the Nativity scene which was displayed in front of their town hall, and the other is an ancestral house of the Villanos family which was bedecked with lights and Disneyland characters with Christmas costumes. These two can be seen along the McArthur Highway and will not be missed when you travel north to Baguio or Pangasinan passing by Tarlac.

Taken accross the highway
Moncada Town hall

A closer shot of Moncada's Nativity scene display

The ancestral home of the Villanos family in Moncada