Thursday, April 5, 2012

Visita Iglesia 2012

For 2012 lenten season, we revisited the same churches that we went to last 2010, and below are the images of the various special places where the Holy Eucharist is kept during the duration of the Lenten season.

Sienna church transfers the Holy Eucharist to the same area every year. Flower arrangement is more austere this year but the solemnity of the place is still maintained.

Sienna church

From Sienna, we proceeded to Sto Domingo church then to the UST chapel.

Sto Domingo church   

                                                                                                                                                                                                            UST Chapel

From UST, we drove to the Manila Cathedral, but it is closed for renovation, so we walked to the nearby San Agustin church.

Malate Church                                                                                                
                                      San Isidro church                                                              

                                                                                                Saint Francis in Mandaluyong                    


St Paul

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Feast of the Black Nazarene

Viva Senor Nazareno!

January 9 is the feast of the Black Nazarene, and this is when the biggest procession in the Philippines happen, the procession where the image of the Black Nazarene is paraded in various streets of Manila. This year the procession started at the Quirino grandstand in Luneta.

 This is the first time that I am documenting by photographs one of the religious events of the Philippines.  The first photo above was a shot of the silkscreen that an enterprising man is using to print the image of the Nazarene on T-shirts right on the sidewalk.

Next photos would tell many stories of the procession.

 The image of the Black Nazarene is expected to be at Quiapo church early in the evening yet, but even as early as noon time, Quezon boulevard was already a sea of devotees and merchants.

 The next photos were taken atop a waiting shed near the Metropolitan theater along P Burgos street. I was at the wrong side because the face of the Nazarene was blocked by escorts and the cross.

The photogs on the other side are at a better vantage point.

I admire the courage of these two women who also tried their best to climb the Nazarene's carriage just to be able to wipe their towels on the image.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Miss Earth Philippines 2010

The final selection and coronation for Miss Earth Philippines was held at the Manila Ocean Park. The winner represented the country to the Miss Earth Beauty pageant held for the first time outside the country in Vietnam.

The event was hosted by Karla Henry, and Ginger Conejero who were former Miss Earth contestant beauties themselves, with Miss Henry actually bagging the crown last 2008.

A beauty from Infanta, Quezon, Psyche Resus, won the crown.

A strong contender was a beauty from Pandan, Antique. She's the daughter of proud parents who were seated beside me. She was crowned Miss Philippines Water.

And finally, the top five.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Trip to Batam Island

A Freelance Job!

I was commissioned by a US company to do a service job on a Final Test system at Unisem in Batam, Indonesia. Batam is an island near Singapore and the way to get there is to take a plane from Manila to Singapore and then take a Ferry from Singapore to Batam.

This is the night view of Jodoh area in Batam from my 12th floor Hotel room.

These are pictures from Airport in Singapore to Harbor Centre.

View fr taxi just off the airport

Towards Harbor centre
(Singapore Flyer)Famous Ferris wheel near the Harbor
at the background is the Marina Bay Sands

Ferry to Batam

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Visita Iglesia

It has been a tradition for us to visit various churches during Holy Thursdays. The visit starts around 6:00PM and we hop from one church to another and offer a short prayer, with the goal of going to as many church as we can up to 12MN.

During this day of the Lenten season, the Holy Eucharist is taken out and displayed in a special place and this year, I let my daughter take the pictures of these various places in every church we visited.

This the UST chapel.

OLAP church



San Pedro Bassilica

Malate Church

                                                                    San Agustin Church

San Isidro Church

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Paint Araneta Yellow

Yesterday, my wife and I went to Araneta to join thousands of "Yellow" fans celebrate the 24th year of the People Power revolution. I was of course lugging my camera and I was informed by security people that professional still cameras are not allowed inside the Araneta Coliseum so only my wife entered and I stayed outside and joined the thousands who were not fortunate to go inside the coliseum.

I took this picture because it reminded me exactly of what I did with my son during the actual people power revolution in 1986, we were then with the people guarding Channel 4.

Anticipating that not everybody can not be accommodated, a stage was set up outside where another program was conducted and hosted by among others Jim Paredes.

A familar face in every gathering of the yellow army

This is another familiar volunteer for Noynoy.

And one of the lead organizers of yesterday's event.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gown Competition (Miss San Manuel 2010)

An essential part of every beauty pageant is the Evening gown competition where the contestants demonstrate their ability to dress up for a formal occasion and show their alluring way of carrying one's self  in the world of glamour.