Thursday, February 25, 2010

Paint Araneta Yellow

Yesterday, my wife and I went to Araneta to join thousands of "Yellow" fans celebrate the 24th year of the People Power revolution. I was of course lugging my camera and I was informed by security people that professional still cameras are not allowed inside the Araneta Coliseum so only my wife entered and I stayed outside and joined the thousands who were not fortunate to go inside the coliseum.

I took this picture because it reminded me exactly of what I did with my son during the actual people power revolution in 1986, we were then with the people guarding Channel 4.

Anticipating that not everybody can not be accommodated, a stage was set up outside where another program was conducted and hosted by among others Jim Paredes.

A familar face in every gathering of the yellow army

This is another familiar volunteer for Noynoy.

And one of the lead organizers of yesterday's event.

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