Thursday, February 25, 2010

Paint Araneta Yellow

Yesterday, my wife and I went to Araneta to join thousands of "Yellow" fans celebrate the 24th year of the People Power revolution. I was of course lugging my camera and I was informed by security people that professional still cameras are not allowed inside the Araneta Coliseum so only my wife entered and I stayed outside and joined the thousands who were not fortunate to go inside the coliseum.

I took this picture because it reminded me exactly of what I did with my son during the actual people power revolution in 1986, we were then with the people guarding Channel 4.

Anticipating that not everybody can not be accommodated, a stage was set up outside where another program was conducted and hosted by among others Jim Paredes.

A familar face in every gathering of the yellow army

This is another familiar volunteer for Noynoy.

And one of the lead organizers of yesterday's event.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gown Competition (Miss San Manuel 2010)

An essential part of every beauty pageant is the Evening gown competition where the contestants demonstrate their ability to dress up for a formal occasion and show their alluring way of carrying one's self  in the world of glamour.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The swimsuit stage

This page is for the Swimsuit stage of the search for Miss San Manuel 2010. I was shooting with a 70 - 300mm zoom lens from the audience stands and I didn't have a good angle so I will post only the few better pics that I captured. I will start right away with the winner.

The best in swimsuit was Nina Erica Peralta.

She was also chosen as Miss Friendship (their version of Miss Congeniality) by the participants themselves.

Here are some selected ramp shots

2010 Search for Miss San Manuel

Last weekend, I went home to our province to attend our annual town's fiesta. Just like any fiesta, part of the festivities is a beauty search for Miss San Manuel 2010. This was held last Saturday night, Feb 20, 2010.  It was a beauty pageant composing of a swimsuit competition, gown competition and an interview. There were fourteen candidates representing each barangay of the town, from whom three beauties will be picked as Miss San Manuel, a first runner up and a second runner up. Culmination of the event was of course the coronation of the top 3 beauties.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Citystreet shots

It's been a while since my last post, I haven't had the chance to shoot the past few days, so I am giving you a few street shots that I took sometime ago. I will be presenting them as Black and White images although they have been taken originally as colored pictures.

Welcome Rotunda is a familiar landmark in Quezon city. It is now a common venue for rallies and demonstrations.

 The "calesa" is still an attention drawer, this woman
is probably wondering what those horse driven rigs are doing in this street. This shot was taken along the intersection of Forbes and Espana streets.